
rmdir(1) removes directories from the filesystem. The directory must be empty before it can be removed. The syntax is simply:

   $ rmdir <directory>

This example will remove the hejaz subdirectory in the current working directory:

   $ rmdir hejaz

If that directory does not exist, rmdir will tell you. You can also specify a full path to a directory to remove, as this example shows:

   $ rmdir /tmp/hejaz

That example will try to remove the hejaz directory inside the /tmp directory.

You can also remove a directory and all of its parent directories by passing the -p option.

   $ rmdir -p /tmp/hejaz

This will first try to remove the hejaz directory inside /tmp. If that is successful, it will try to remove /tmp. rmdir will continue this until an error is encountered or the entire tree specified is removed.